
    Vivek Ramaswamy unveils crypto policy platform criticizing mixer sanctions

    Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy presented his crypto policy, “The Three Freedoms of Crypto,” at the North American Blockchain Summit. He pledges to shield developers from liability and opposes sanctions on crypto mixers like Tornado Cash, arguing it violates free speech.

    Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy introduced his crypto policy, “The Three Freedoms of Crypto,” at the North American Blockchain Summit in Texas. The framework defends smart contract developers, stating they shouldn’t be held accountable for users’ actions. Ramaswamy pledges, if elected, to direct prosecutors to target bad actors, not the code or its developers.

    Specifically addressing sanctions on Tornado Cash, a crypto mixer accused of facilitating money laundering, Ramaswamy criticized the move. He argues that going after code developers violates the First Amendment. The policy also promises regulatory clarity, offering new cryptocurrencies a “safe harbor” from securities laws after launch. Ramaswamy aims to prevent federal agencies from imposing rules limiting the use of self-hosted wallets.

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