
    Biden Urged to Intervene in U.S. Citizens’ Detention in Nigeria

    Pressure mounts on the Biden administration to secure the release of Tigran Gambaryan and Nadeem Anjarwalla, detained by Nigerian authorities since February 26, 2024. The Chamber of Digital Commerce leads calls for diplomatic intervention, citing concerns over treatment and the precedent set for American citizens abroad, particularly in the cryptocurrency industry.

    • Pressure mounts on the Biden administration to aid the release of Tigran Gambaryan and Nadeem Anjarwalla, detained by the Nigerian government since Feb. 26, 2024.
    • Chamber of Digital Commerce leads the demand for diplomatic action, citing concerns over the treatment of American entrepreneurs abroad, especially in the cryptocurrency industry.
    • Gambaryan’s detention is seen as arbitrary and without due process, raising significant challenges to international law norms and diplomatic relations.
    • Nigeria’s status as a U.S. ally adds complexity to the situation, given its receipt of substantial foreign aid from the U.S.
    • Initial reports of the detentions surfaced in late February, covered by the Financial Times without explicitly naming the individuals involved.

    Mounting Pressure on Biden Administration

    The Biden administration faces escalating demands to intervene in the detention of Tigran Gambaryan and Nadeem Anjarwalla, both U.S. citizens, by Nigerian authorities since February 26, 2024. The Chamber of Digital Commerce has emerged as a leading voice in calling for urgent diplomatic action to secure their release. Gambaryan, a former federal agent with expertise in cryptocurrency, and Anjarwalla, a Binance executive, have been held without passports, prompting concerns over their treatment and the implications for American citizens abroad.

    Concerns Over Treatment and Precedent

    The Chamber of Digital Commerce highlights the detention of Gambaryan as setting a troubling precedent, particularly for American entrepreneurs operating internationally, especially in industries like cryptocurrency. They argue that his arrest without due process not only violates international law norms but also challenges diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Nigeria. In a blog post, the Chamber emphasized the broader significance of Gambaryan’s detention, framing it as a matter of national dignity and the protection of American citizens worldwide.

    Complexity of Nigeria’s Status

    The complexity of Nigeria’s relationship with the U.S. adds a layer of difficulty to resolving the situation. Despite being a recipient of substantial foreign aid from the U.S., Nigeria’s alliance status complicates diplomatic efforts. Unlike similar cases in countries with strained relations with the U.S., Nigeria’s role as an ally requires a delicate approach to address the detentions effectively. Initial reports of Gambaryan and Anjarwalla’s apprehensions surfaced in late February, initially covered by the Financial Times without explicitly naming the individuals involved.


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